
Early Steps Dudley Day Nursery is dedicated to the needs of our children and parents. We hope that this is reflected in our high standard of communication with you.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Play is vital for children. It helps them to understand the world around them and to develop socially and emotionally. It is through play that our children learn, develop at their own pace and have fun with adults who understand, support and care about them. We want the children we care for to feel secure, not pushed or pressured, and to have the confidence to deal with whatever life brings.

- Construction and small world play.

- Treasure baskets that contain a variety of different objects to help - stimulate babies’ senses.

- Large and fine motor skills and experiences.

- Literacy and numeracy skills.

- Role play and imaginative opportunities.

- Water, sand and malleable experiences.

- Stories, rhymes and songs.

- Mark-making - the marks that children make through a range of media, such as paint, water, sand, pencils and the meanings they give to them.

- Creative workshops.

- Outdoor opportunities.

- Exploring and investigating science and nature.

- Dance, music and sensory experiences.

Special Educational Needs & Disability

Delivery of the best childcare and education is made possible by ensuring staff have in-depth knowledge and understanding from their continued professional development and higher-level qualification training. Staff must have the skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to observe, support and plan for a child’s learning effectively, and by identifying any additional needs your child may have.

Delivery of the best childcare and education is made possible by ensuring staff have in-depth knowledge and understanding from their continued professional development and higher-level qualification training. Staff must have the skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to observe, support and plan for a child’s learning effectively, and by identifying any additional needs your child may have.

We were awarded a ‘Good’ rating in our latest Ofsted report.

The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills is a non-ministerial department of the UK government, reporting to Parliament. The body inspects schools and nurseries in order to provide a consistent rating based on the provision and quality of services. Good is next to Outstanding, the highest rating that can be awarded.

Click here to view our latest Ofsted report

Observation, Planning and Recording

We believe that careful planning is required to ensure that play is of a high quality.

Observations of each child are evaluated and linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage which allows for every child’s individual development to be monitored and their progress recorded in their individual online learning journal. The I.T. software we use is called Blossom and this is a record of your child’s interests, significant achievements and development throughout their time with us. We encourage you to contribute via Blossom, your parent app.

These can be significant moments that have been observed either at nursery or within the home or on outings with family.

The Key Person, other team members, parents, grandparents etc. can contribute and they are detailed observations of the play and experiences your child engages in.

Photographs and significant examples of work

These will help to highlight what your child enjoys in the nursery and at home and where their learning is progressing. We encourage you to contribute via Blossom, your parent app.

Get To Know Us Better

Key Person

Research has shown that a Key Person approach is the most effective way of ensuring that children develop a strong relationship with a significant adult in the nursery.

The Key Person approach gives every child the reassurance to feel secure and cared for, helping them to become familiar with the nursery environment and to feel confident and safe within it.

The Key Person meets the needs of each child in their care and responds sensitively to their feelings, ideas and behaviour.

A Key person (member of staff) is assigned to your child to ensure that they are engaging in the right kind of activities for your child. This helps to plan future experiences and opportunities to build your child’s knowledge, skills and abilities which will lead to new learning and development.

Partnership with Parents

We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children and should be centrally involved in their child’s experiences and development.

Effective communication means a two-way flow of information, knowledge and expertise between parents and staff. Staff is always available to give feedback about your child’s day and talk about significant events with you.

We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children and should be centrally involved in their child’s experiences and development.

Effective communication means a two-way flow of information, knowledge and expertise between parents and staff. Staff is always available to give feedback about your child’s day and talk about significant events with you.

Visit the FIRST "Curiosity Approach" Accredited setting in the Dudley Borough.

The Curiosity Approach self-reflection toolkit enables Early Childhood settings to reflect on the quality of their provision. As a team, we embarked on a 12 month journey to create a culture of Curiosity, Awe & Wonder that is now deeply embedded and renewed within Early Steps Dudley Day Nursery.

Our Parent Prospectus

We’d love to send you a FREE copy of our Parent Prospectus
that we have filled with loads of helpful information about Early Steps Dudley...

parent  prospectus
parent  prospectus

Our Parent Prospectus

We’d love to send you a FREE copy of our
Parent Prospectus that we have filled with loads of helpful information about Early Steps Dudley...

Early Steps Dudley

Bank Road, Gornal Wood, Dudley,

West Midlands,


Early Steps Dudley Day Nursery ©2019 All Rights Reserved